NOS Original 1943 U.S.NAVY CRC-6SN7-GT 1943 LOW-NOISE BLACK PLATE PAIR with "D" Getters: (Both tubes have identicle inner construction, RARE ROUND-PLATES & ROUND MICAS, D-Getters, copper-posts, Black-Plates, BLACK-GLASS with Mirror bottoms! RARE! U.S.N. label is the EXACT same as VT-231 ALL ACTUAL PICTURES - CLEAR, UN-BURNT GLASS-TOPS = 100% NOS NEVER-USED!!! & [6SN7 GT] in RCA stop-sign brackets on tube. pair 1: tube 1: 3,000/3,000 (115%/115%) code K2E = 1943 rare codes! tube 2: 3,000/3,000 (115%/115%) code K4E = 1943 rare codes! ( 2,600/2/600 Gm = 100%) ( 9.0mA/9.0mA Gm = 100%) When The United States Navy, New York had their 6SN7 made for their amps, they specified the copper grid posts, coated glass, staggered plates and DEFLECTION SHIELDS only! These STAGGERED PLATES are designed to "deflect" unwanted electron bombardment to prevent cathode-poisioning. They work as a deflector-shield and help the tube achieve its correct operation point and last longer and operate cooler. Recommended for: - Deja Vu Audio Type 45 amp - Cary preamps and amps - Singlepower - Ultraverve - Supratek - Wheatfield HA-2 headphone - Cary - Rogue - Canary Audio These tubes are "PROFESSIONAL SPECIAL QUALITY" Premium Quality Amplitrex Digitally Tested Audio tubes The USA made 6SN7's are the best sounding tubes and are increasingly hard to find, new or used, in a low-noise condition. Within 4 points are considered Matched & Balanced: Example 3,000 Gm and 3,400 GM is considered matched to the point that the human ear can not tell any discernable difference in stereo seperation, etc.